this is it ....
my new installment ....
comments on it would much appreciated ...
maybe this will give some light on how im feeling at the moment, hopefully ...
ne way check it out:
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
new song
theres a new piece that i have posted on my deviantART page.
i am realy proud of this one.
check it out!
i am realy proud of this one.
check it out!
... why, every now and then, can i feel pain and suffering? i should feel warm and comfortable in this blanket i have been given ...
bros 18th
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
i went to the shops in miranda. pretty big i got to tell you. not like our pissy little ones. theres not one in perth that would come close to being as big as this one. its probably half the size of perth city. i made my way into the city and back to the hostel.
another chilled day. tomorrow is the gardens, bondi and kings cross. so some awesome pics coming your way.
heres one of my room as per request. thought this one would be enough so u get a general idea what its been like. haha

this was taken at 11 in the morning. i swear it moves after a few smokes.
another chilled day. tomorrow is the gardens, bondi and kings cross. so some awesome pics coming your way.
heres one of my room as per request. thought this one would be enough so u get a general idea what its been like. haha
this was taken at 11 in the morning. i swear it moves after a few smokes.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
i didnt do that much today ....
after i had moved rooms i decided to go for walk around the cronulla peninsula. it was a nice peaceful walk. i took some pics for you.
the party was pretty awesome to bad im not here for another week end. ill soak up as much as i can while im here. im enjoying myself.

fishing any one

peace out
after i had moved rooms i decided to go for walk around the cronulla peninsula. it was a nice peaceful walk. i took some pics for you.
the party was pretty awesome to bad im not here for another week end. ill soak up as much as i can while im here. im enjoying myself.
fishing any one
peace out
Saturday, May 5, 2007
hey guys ! no pics for the first day but im sure you can manage.
got in alright and grabbed a taxi. arrived at the backpackers and had to wait for the owner to arrive, nearly an hour later. Met a few people whist waiting though.
when the owner finally arived i was told that there was no booking for me but there was going to be a room vacant shortly. so they held my stuff and i went for a trek.
i decided to go to the train station to see what i can do about a ticket for the week. $38 later. i had to look for an atm so walked through the plaza and an old man busking stopped me. this guy couldnt move or talk properly. he asked me if i wanted to hear a poem. i say yes but i cant hear a word he was saying. people probably thought i was an idiot listening to this guy but i didnt care. so i gave him $2 and told him it was a grat poem as i walked off.
when i got to the city was like i hadnt left. i just felt a lonley and lost because i was by myself. i was fairly tired by this stage so i took a quick browse and a walk up to the harbourside.
the backpackers hadnt called me yet to say the room was readyso i headed back in a hope to get a nap.
they temp put me in a room for the night but still a private room. met some more people. they seem pretty friendly. theres a big party tonight so i may be getting pretty waseted !! haha
after my nap i met some more people here while still half asleep. after a nice cup of coffee i went back through the plaza looking for some where to eat. i stopped at a place called 2230. something said to me to buy some food and beer here. i did and i thinks it safe to say i wont be paying $9 for 4 meatballs that where average again. one of staff asked me if i was going to be playing and the club across the road. i said no and asked who was. i ended up having a little convo with her, explained my position and she told me about the guy that organises gigs for there. the same guy the book gigs there also booked gigs for metros aswell. i was ovbiously intesedted and she said to talk to one of the girls over there. i finished my second beer, walked over and started chatting with me chicks at the door.
i was there for a while and the gig organiser came up and i shook his hand and he gave me his email. i was like score, first day and already my first break !
got back to the hostel and met a few more. i was shouted beers and they decied that they wanted to go out. we went out had a good time came back to the hostel and drunk some more beers. it was such a good night last night. up till 6 in the morn still drinking beer.
ive already made friendly with a german chick... shes so kool haha
any way pics for today will definately come ....
peace out and keep loving
got in alright and grabbed a taxi. arrived at the backpackers and had to wait for the owner to arrive, nearly an hour later. Met a few people whist waiting though.
when the owner finally arived i was told that there was no booking for me but there was going to be a room vacant shortly. so they held my stuff and i went for a trek.
i decided to go to the train station to see what i can do about a ticket for the week. $38 later. i had to look for an atm so walked through the plaza and an old man busking stopped me. this guy couldnt move or talk properly. he asked me if i wanted to hear a poem. i say yes but i cant hear a word he was saying. people probably thought i was an idiot listening to this guy but i didnt care. so i gave him $2 and told him it was a grat poem as i walked off.
when i got to the city was like i hadnt left. i just felt a lonley and lost because i was by myself. i was fairly tired by this stage so i took a quick browse and a walk up to the harbourside.
the backpackers hadnt called me yet to say the room was readyso i headed back in a hope to get a nap.
they temp put me in a room for the night but still a private room. met some more people. they seem pretty friendly. theres a big party tonight so i may be getting pretty waseted !! haha
after my nap i met some more people here while still half asleep. after a nice cup of coffee i went back through the plaza looking for some where to eat. i stopped at a place called 2230. something said to me to buy some food and beer here. i did and i thinks it safe to say i wont be paying $9 for 4 meatballs that where average again. one of staff asked me if i was going to be playing and the club across the road. i said no and asked who was. i ended up having a little convo with her, explained my position and she told me about the guy that organises gigs for there. the same guy the book gigs there also booked gigs for metros aswell. i was ovbiously intesedted and she said to talk to one of the girls over there. i finished my second beer, walked over and started chatting with me chicks at the door.
i was there for a while and the gig organiser came up and i shook his hand and he gave me his email. i was like score, first day and already my first break !
got back to the hostel and met a few more. i was shouted beers and they decied that they wanted to go out. we went out had a good time came back to the hostel and drunk some more beers. it was such a good night last night. up till 6 in the morn still drinking beer.
ive already made friendly with a german chick... shes so kool haha
any way pics for today will definately come ....
peace out and keep loving
Friday, March 23, 2007
yes i have crawled away ... but lately i have been researching ...
haha yes. this is bout the pyramids ... and it all connects and ties in with everything that i talk bout ... now not a lot of people know what they r about .... in my research i have found some interesting facts .... and though most of it being recent this is something that should be shared. even if its only theories.
it gets people thinking. but let me tell you; u need to have a somewhat of an open mind for this.
we didnt know how these pyramids were built. actually it has been found in the 90s that, going through tests and calculations, found humans did it themselves. which would indicate that humans were in actual fact smarter about 4,000yrs ago than what some of us thought. which would mean somewhere along the line we took a backwards step. and yes a lot of technological advancements where wiped out by natural disasters but egypt remained untouched, just time worn. my questions on this are where did we get this evolved state from ? and y did we have this 'backward step' ? two question that i bet the researchers are asking aswell.
there have been quite a few "secrets" discovered on the great pyramid aswell as the sphinx. the great pyramid has doors that have been found and they have gone passed the doors on one of the passages. the sphinx has been said that underground there are passages that have been found and directly below its paws is a chamber which might contain the legendary 'Hall of Records' of Atlantis or even how the pyramids were built and likewise human history. the great pyramid on the other hand as the theory goes, by an archeologist by the name of Christopher Dunn, it was a power plant of some sort ....

passageway of one of the passages with the 'doors'

more passageway

one of the 'doors'
p.s. some pages on the great pyramid site require a log on;
username: member
password: aip
haha yes. this is bout the pyramids ... and it all connects and ties in with everything that i talk bout ... now not a lot of people know what they r about .... in my research i have found some interesting facts .... and though most of it being recent this is something that should be shared. even if its only theories.
it gets people thinking. but let me tell you; u need to have a somewhat of an open mind for this.
we didnt know how these pyramids were built. actually it has been found in the 90s that, going through tests and calculations, found humans did it themselves. which would indicate that humans were in actual fact smarter about 4,000yrs ago than what some of us thought. which would mean somewhere along the line we took a backwards step. and yes a lot of technological advancements where wiped out by natural disasters but egypt remained untouched, just time worn. my questions on this are where did we get this evolved state from ? and y did we have this 'backward step' ? two question that i bet the researchers are asking aswell.
there have been quite a few "secrets" discovered on the great pyramid aswell as the sphinx. the great pyramid has doors that have been found and they have gone passed the doors on one of the passages. the sphinx has been said that underground there are passages that have been found and directly below its paws is a chamber which might contain the legendary 'Hall of Records' of Atlantis or even how the pyramids were built and likewise human history. the great pyramid on the other hand as the theory goes, by an archeologist by the name of Christopher Dunn, it was a power plant of some sort ....

passageway of one of the passages with the 'doors'
more passageway
one of the 'doors'
p.s. some pages on the great pyramid site require a log on;
username: member
password: aip
Monday, March 19, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
wake up
i started this the other nite wen i was walking home from sound wave.
its the first part to this song ... now is it a coincidence that i wrote this before my cuz posted his blog ... or is it a coincidence that he mite have been watching it that same nite ...
this new one i would like some help on ... because im thinking of adding some bits of information to it ... the first part was ment get peoples minds ticking ... the second adding information into it to make them try to see what im actually on bout ... but at the same time still getting them to think about it ...
now heres the start of it:
take a look around
is this what u want
take a look around
is this what u realy want to hear
is this what u realy want to see
does any one get it ?
does any one see that this is not whats realy goin on ?
wake up wake up
take a look around
wake up wake up
is it what u realy want
do u want it like this
feedback and criticism would be much appreciated ...
i need somewhere to start on the second part ...
cheers and keep spiraling
its the first part to this song ... now is it a coincidence that i wrote this before my cuz posted his blog ... or is it a coincidence that he mite have been watching it that same nite ...
this new one i would like some help on ... because im thinking of adding some bits of information to it ... the first part was ment get peoples minds ticking ... the second adding information into it to make them try to see what im actually on bout ... but at the same time still getting them to think about it ...
now heres the start of it:
take a look around
is this what u want
take a look around
is this what u realy want to hear
is this what u realy want to see
does any one get it ?
does any one see that this is not whats realy goin on ?
wake up wake up
take a look around
wake up wake up
is it what u realy want
do u want it like this
feedback and criticism would be much appreciated ...
i need somewhere to start on the second part ...
cheers and keep spiraling
Thursday, March 1, 2007
sup sup sup
ive just posted a new piece on my deviantART site
go chek it ...
the creation came afta a bit of a dissgreement with a friend
she ended up putting it down 2 fighting bout "who was rite and who was rong" ....
thats coz theres a little somfin that some ppl dont understand bout me ... and of wich is VERY hard 2 explain
much love and peace out ppl
go chek it ...
the creation came afta a bit of a dissgreement with a friend
she ended up putting it down 2 fighting bout "who was rite and who was rong" ....
thats coz theres a little somfin that some ppl dont understand bout me ... and of wich is VERY hard 2 explain
much love and peace out ppl
Sunday, February 25, 2007
i had 2 do this
how can we miss the coincidences we see ?
we can move on
help from othas we need
purge forwards as one
we can c as one the damage we throw
bring on the consequences we occupy
be as one and we will prevail
y be stuck as we r
we must move forward
y r we stuk behind a shield
that we occupy
bring on the consequences we occupy
fuk all who resist the truth
to bring on the consequences we occupy
y be drawn 2 that of wich is perceived the truth
bring on the consequences we occupy
we should be able 2 move on 2 the 1 we r
bring on the consequences we occupy
it shouldnt be as hard as it is
bring on the consequences we occupy
those that r aware of the situation
come out
bring on the consequences we occupy
come forwards and tell us
bring on the consequences we occupy
dont sit on the sideline and tell us "this is wat its 2 be"
there has got 2 be more
there has 2 be more 2 wat is and wat isnt
y conform wen u cant think for urself
bring on the consequences we occupy
give a listen 2 wat the universe is telling u
bring on the consequences we occupy
the world we live in wont change unless we do somfin bout it
come on join 2 togetha and fight this force
2getha we can fight it
im not talking bout wat past generations have perceived
this is the here and now
u can c it
make a move
and break thru
we can move on
help from othas we need
purge forwards as one
we can c as one the damage we throw
bring on the consequences we occupy
be as one and we will prevail
y be stuck as we r
we must move forward
y r we stuk behind a shield
that we occupy
bring on the consequences we occupy
fuk all who resist the truth
to bring on the consequences we occupy
y be drawn 2 that of wich is perceived the truth
bring on the consequences we occupy
we should be able 2 move on 2 the 1 we r
bring on the consequences we occupy
it shouldnt be as hard as it is
bring on the consequences we occupy
those that r aware of the situation
come out
bring on the consequences we occupy
come forwards and tell us
bring on the consequences we occupy
dont sit on the sideline and tell us "this is wat its 2 be"
there has got 2 be more
there has 2 be more 2 wat is and wat isnt
y conform wen u cant think for urself
bring on the consequences we occupy
give a listen 2 wat the universe is telling u
bring on the consequences we occupy
the world we live in wont change unless we do somfin bout it
come on join 2 togetha and fight this force
2getha we can fight it
im not talking bout wat past generations have perceived
this is the here and now
u can c it
make a move
and break thru
Friday, February 23, 2007
theres 2 many of them 2 be just "coincidences" ...
ive been researching 2 the max bout a hole lota dif things ...
now i hope that many ppl will view this and take it in coz it seriously means a lot 2 me ...
ok 2 start off; indigo children ..
i am 1 of them ... i posses many of the attributes ...
for example ... i can read minds ... i can feel and read auras ... i have the awareness of scientific, historical, anthropological and spiritual knowledge not consciously learnt ... i am an empath ... psychic/intuitive abilties ... and the big 1 sense of a mission or higher purpose ...
those of u that know me ... well u can agree with some of those ....
and connection with "coincidences" (of wich i dont believe) has put me in a spot of more knowledge seeking ... i have this feeling that my year of birth along with the date of birth has some significance ... wat i am also asking is that ne 1 with the same year of birth come forward and say somfin ... coz all the things that happened during that year with saturn changing etc. (all the universal and spirtual stuff) that there is a connection there ... and not only that has ne 1 else felt a presence that somfin big is gonna happen ?
i will post more as time goes on .... untill then ...
ive been researching 2 the max bout a hole lota dif things ...
now i hope that many ppl will view this and take it in coz it seriously means a lot 2 me ...
ok 2 start off; indigo children ..
i am 1 of them ... i posses many of the attributes ...
for example ... i can read minds ... i can feel and read auras ... i have the awareness of scientific, historical, anthropological and spiritual knowledge not consciously learnt ... i am an empath ... psychic/intuitive abilties ... and the big 1 sense of a mission or higher purpose ...
those of u that know me ... well u can agree with some of those ....
and connection with "coincidences" (of wich i dont believe) has put me in a spot of more knowledge seeking ... i have this feeling that my year of birth along with the date of birth has some significance ... wat i am also asking is that ne 1 with the same year of birth come forward and say somfin ... coz all the things that happened during that year with saturn changing etc. (all the universal and spirtual stuff) that there is a connection there ... and not only that has ne 1 else felt a presence that somfin big is gonna happen ?
i will post more as time goes on .... untill then ...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
the RFID
well in reponse 2 the blog on my cuzs page >>
is this wat the public realy wants .... 2 be monitored by the government/who eva may be controling this chip ... wat good will eva come of this ???
question authority, think for urself ....
(read between the lines)
is this wat the public realy wants .... 2 be monitored by the government/who eva may be controling this chip ... wat good will eva come of this ???
question authority, think for urself ....
(read between the lines)
Monday, February 19, 2007
the begining
well well well ...
my first blog 2 start all this random ...
ahh yes quotes will be coming out where i can find ....
i created this blog for the simple fact my cousin decided it would be kool 2 make fun of me while i was in sydney for 4 weeks with a chik that i had met on our trip last time ....
nah nah just joking in actuall fact he gave me the idea seeing as i am goin ova there by myself ....
at first i said 2 him no way i cant rite blogs .... but then i thought bout it and realised that it would be much fun 2 blog my rondom adventures or wat ever will bewilder me ...
well i still have a few months yet 2 go .... that remninds me i need 2 try and get my hands on a digital camera ...... hmmmm
ill c u guys on the spiral
peace the fuk out !!!!!!!
my first blog 2 start all this random ...
ahh yes quotes will be coming out where i can find ....
i created this blog for the simple fact my cousin decided it would be kool 2 make fun of me while i was in sydney for 4 weeks with a chik that i had met on our trip last time ....
nah nah just joking in actuall fact he gave me the idea seeing as i am goin ova there by myself ....
at first i said 2 him no way i cant rite blogs .... but then i thought bout it and realised that it would be much fun 2 blog my rondom adventures or wat ever will bewilder me ...
well i still have a few months yet 2 go .... that remninds me i need 2 try and get my hands on a digital camera ...... hmmmm
ill c u guys on the spiral
peace the fuk out !!!!!!!
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