after i had moved rooms i decided to go for walk around the cronulla peninsula. it was a nice peaceful walk. i took some pics for you.
the party was pretty awesome to bad im not here for another week end. ill soak up as much as i can while im here. im enjoying myself.
fishing any one
peace out
Hi Kido, your pics look great,what is your weather like? about the same temps as ours. Just had granny and grandad here with there new car it looks great they are very happy. gave grandad your blog site so maybe he will post a note.Did you get the other money I sent it over yesterday, dont worry about money as I am sure Shaun in all his wisdom will see you right!!! Been busking yet. What is your new room like send a pic. Well we are all off to work tomorrow but will check the site later in the day. Will you have a look around kings cross? Take care love Ya mom.
HA! what wisdom ... :)
lovin the photos man, wish i was there with ya, just taking it easy. things look real nice and relaxed over there. great shots as well.
keep it up, and hope all goes well for ya over there. memories fade, photos allow you to revist those moments in time.
im busy putting together a new site with a mate of mine here in Perth, will let you in on the detials soon. in the mean time ...
take it easy.
G'Day young man! Seems you are doing yourself proud. Can't believe the graffiti on the rocks! Keep your head up and enjoy.
sometimes we have to risk it all to find something we would never have thought was there.
soak up every second mate.
heads up as well, Ty tells me that Chevelle are touring soon. ? more to come, but have it in the back of ur head for a ticket. *metal salute* hehe
hey guys ...
yeh got the money but still $145 short ... cheers tho ..
nice blogpage 2 BTW ...
i will prob go 2moro nite 2 kings cross rite afta the gardens and bondi.
the weatha here has been quite warm. much warma than home.
bought both YEAR ZERO and VENA SERA.
love VENA SERA. but YEAR ZERO wasnt as heavy as id thought. a little disappointed but im sure that itll grow on me. hehe
cya at CHEVELLE!
*metal salute*
OH YEH !!!
yeh things are warmish this week here aswell for perth mate, 24ish. seems u may hit some bad weather so do what you can outdoors soon :)
Guerilla Truth starts as a way to try and make a difference, who knows where it will go. keep checking, commenting.
Vena Sera kicks ass! i cant stop listening to it. too stuff from chevelle, now ur bro tells me theyre touring in JULY, i havent seen anything mentioned anywhere yet so al fingers crossed.
thing with Year Zero is its a straight up concept album. ie it has a story and you have to listen to it fully to be in the flow of the story. thats where the magic is. ... but yeh i long for the day of Reznor producing a Fragile ver 2.0 :) .. or maybe not.
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