Sunday, February 25, 2007

i had 2 do this

my nail has finally decided it has had enough of being joined 2 my finger ...
so i took a couple of photos lol
i had a hard time of trying 2 get the dam thing 2 focus on my finger ....


how can we miss the coincidences we see ?
we can move on
help from othas we need
purge forwards as one
we can c as one the damage we throw
bring on the consequences we occupy
be as one and we will prevail
y be stuck as we r

we must move forward
y r we stuk behind a shield
that we occupy
bring on the consequences we occupy

fuk all who resist the truth
to bring on the consequences we occupy
y be drawn 2 that of wich is perceived the truth
bring on the consequences we occupy

we should be able 2 move on 2 the 1 we r
bring on the consequences we occupy
it shouldnt be as hard as it is
bring on the consequences we occupy

those that r aware of the situation
come out
bring on the consequences we occupy
come forwards and tell us
bring on the consequences we occupy
dont sit on the sideline and tell us "this is wat its 2 be"
there has got 2 be more

there has 2 be more 2 wat is and wat isnt
y conform wen u cant think for urself
bring on the consequences we occupy
give a listen 2 wat the universe is telling u
bring on the consequences we occupy

the world we live in wont change unless we do somfin bout it
come on join 2 togetha and fight this force
2getha we can fight it

im not talking bout wat past generations have perceived
this is the here and now
u can c it
make a move
and break thru

Friday, February 23, 2007


theres 2 many of them 2 be just "coincidences" ...
ive been researching 2 the max bout a hole lota dif things ...
now i hope that many ppl will view this and take it in coz it seriously means a lot 2 me ...

ok 2 start off; indigo children ..
i am 1 of them ... i posses many of the attributes ...
for example ... i can read minds ... i can feel and read auras ... i have the awareness of scientific, historical, anthropological and spiritual knowledge not consciously learnt ... i am an empath ... psychic/intuitive abilties ... and the big 1 sense of a mission or higher purpose ...
those of u that know me ... well u can agree with some of those ....

and connection with "coincidences" (of wich i dont believe) has put me in a spot of more knowledge seeking ... i have this feeling that my year of birth along with the date of birth has some significance ... wat i am also asking is that ne 1 with the same year of birth come forward and say somfin ... coz all the things that happened during that year with saturn changing etc. (all the universal and spirtual stuff) that there is a connection there ... and not only that has ne 1 else felt a presence that somfin big is gonna happen ?

i will post more as time goes on .... untill then ...


Thursday, February 22, 2007

the RFID

well in reponse 2 the blog on my cuzs page >>

is this wat the public realy wants .... 2 be monitored by the government/who eva may be controling this chip ... wat good will eva come of this ???

question authority, think for urself ....
(read between the lines)


Monday, February 19, 2007

the begining

well well well ...
my first blog 2 start all this random ...
ahh yes quotes will be coming out where i can find ....

i created this blog for the simple fact my cousin decided it would be kool 2 make fun of me while i was in sydney for 4 weeks with a chik that i had met on our trip last time ....

nah nah just joking in actuall fact he gave me the idea seeing as i am goin ova there by myself ....
at first i said 2 him no way i cant rite blogs .... but then i thought bout it and realised that it would be much fun 2 blog my rondom adventures or wat ever will bewilder me ...

well i still have a few months yet 2 go .... that remninds me i need 2 try and get my hands on a digital camera ...... hmmmm

ill c u guys on the spiral

peace the fuk out !!!!!!!