Thursday, February 22, 2007

the RFID

well in reponse 2 the blog on my cuzs page >>

is this wat the public realy wants .... 2 be monitored by the government/who eva may be controling this chip ... wat good will eva come of this ???

question authority, think for urself ....
(read between the lines)



SHAUN FOX said...

you should dig abit deeper into Leary's works.

thanks for the mention. its important that your thinking about other things that arent spoon feed to you in the mass media news. inform yourself.

and yes, one keystroke at a time, the love is being spread. these things are slow, but worth the wait.

keep bloggin.

SHAUN FOX said...

a place to dig.

a place to start.

inform yourself, the rabbit hole is deep. but as always, remember this shouldnt all be taken as "the absolute correct facts, its just grey pieces between the black and the white of what we are told. at the end make your OWN mind up. form YOUR opinion from lots of different information. from both sides.

apply this to anything.