how can we miss the coincidences we see ?
we can move on
help from othas we need
purge forwards as one
we can c as one the damage we throw
bring on the consequences we occupy
be as one and we will prevail
y be stuck as we r
we must move forward
y r we stuk behind a shield
that we occupy
bring on the consequences we occupy
fuk all who resist the truth
to bring on the consequences we occupy
y be drawn 2 that of wich is perceived the truth
bring on the consequences we occupy
we should be able 2 move on 2 the 1 we r
bring on the consequences we occupy
it shouldnt be as hard as it is
bring on the consequences we occupy
those that r aware of the situation
come out
bring on the consequences we occupy
come forwards and tell us
bring on the consequences we occupy
dont sit on the sideline and tell us "this is wat its 2 be"
there has got 2 be more
there has 2 be more 2 wat is and wat isnt
y conform wen u cant think for urself
bring on the consequences we occupy
give a listen 2 wat the universe is telling u
bring on the consequences we occupy
the world we live in wont change unless we do somfin bout it
come on join 2 togetha and fight this force
2getha we can fight it
im not talking bout wat past generations have perceived
this is the here and now
u can c it
make a move
and break thru