haha yes. this is bout the pyramids ... and it all connects and ties in with everything that i talk bout ... now not a lot of people know what they r about .... in my research i have found some interesting facts .... and though most of it being recent this is something that should be shared. even if its only theories.
it gets people thinking. but let me tell you; u need to have a somewhat of an open mind for this.
we didnt know how these pyramids were built. actually it has been found in the 90s that, going through tests and calculations, found humans did it themselves. which would indicate that humans were in actual fact smarter about 4,000yrs ago than what some of us thought. which would mean somewhere along the line we took a backwards step. and yes a lot of technological advancements where wiped out by natural disasters but egypt remained untouched, just time worn. my questions on this are where did we get this evolved state from ? and y did we have this 'backward step' ? two question that i bet the researchers are asking aswell.
there have been quite a few "secrets" discovered on the great pyramid aswell as the sphinx. the great pyramid has doors that have been found and they have gone passed the doors on one of the passages. the sphinx has been said that underground there are passages that have been found and directly below its paws is a chamber which might contain the legendary 'Hall of Records' of Atlantis or even how the pyramids were built and likewise human history. the great pyramid on the other hand as the theory goes, by an archeologist by the name of Christopher Dunn, it was a power plant of some sort ....

passageway of one of the passages with the 'doors'
more passageway
one of the 'doors'
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